Archive – Front Page 3-2015

This archive contains “older” front pages…this one saved on March 10, 2015

NATURE – Nature’s 33rd Season: Sneak Preview

Click Here to View Preview


STUDIO SOCAL – The LA River: From Concrete Ditch to an Oasis in the City

Click Here to View Program


Marine Webcams:

Monterey Bay Aquarium – Live Web Cams

Click Here to Get To The Web Cams

Ocean Classrooms – Live Video Cams

Click Here to Get To The Video Cams

Channel Islands National Park – Live Ocean Webcams

Click Here to Get To The Webcams


Nature has “reactivated” Earth Flight’s series of fabulous videos illustrating birds around the world.  There are seven videos in the series: Earth Flight (EF) North America, EF South America, EF Europe, EF Africa, EF Asia and EF “How it was made…”  You can get to the Earth Flight videos in this blog by going to “Classified Videos by Subject” then click on the section of “Earth Amazing Diversity of Life”.  I also have some of the links here on this front page for those of you who are viewing with a smart phone.

NATURE – Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation – Preview

Click Here to View Preview

NATURE – Earthflight: North America (expired?)

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Earthflight: Africa (expired?)

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Earthflight: Europe (expired?)

Click Here to View Program

Try to see if these videos have been re-installed on the PBS server.


ScienceWonder Earth Day Report 2014

Scientific American (April, 2014) has an article that analyzes what seems to be happening with the Earth’s Climate and the models that are attempting to assess the risk to our various ways of life. A number of reasonably moderate assumptions lead us toward a very real Danger Zone in the year 2036 (22 years from the present!), where we will have to deal with a 2 degree Celsius increase in global temperature and there will be no way to turn back the Climate Change for hundreds if not thousands of years!

The article also has an interesting list of sectors of our civilization that would be dramatically effected. The sectors seriously effected by a 2 degree increase in global temperature are:

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Health
  4. Land
  5. National Security
  6. Energy
  7. Economic Prosperity

I wonder if humanity will address Climate Change Issues now knowing the pain we will experience in the future if we don’t act now or if it is necessary for us to actually suffer the pain in order for us to take action?


HOW TO BE PREPARED FOR NATURAL DISASTERS (Fires? Earthquakes? Outrageous  Weather Events?)

A very useful list of 23 steps in developing a good plan!

Click Here to View the Website

It might be useful to view the following programs to get a better idea of what you might need to plan for in terms of Natural Disasters:

NOVA – Megastorm Aftermath

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Inside the Megastorm

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – The Deadliest Tornadoes

Click Here To View Video

NOVA – Deadliest Earthquakes

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Killer Typhoon

Click Here to View Program

Up-to-date websites to learn about current Wild Fires:

Click here to get to the Website

Click here to get to the Website

Click here to get to the Websire

Click here to get to the Website


New PBS Videos well worth viewing:

NOVA – First Air War

Click Here to View Program


Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Why Sharks Attack

Click Here to View Program


It is well worth the time to check out The Astronomy Picture of the Day

Click Here to Link with the Website

The web site has a searchable archive going back to June 16, 1995!


The following is one of the most amazing videos in the NOVA series:

NOVA: Earth from Space (full 2 hour version)

Click Here to View Program

NOVA PreView: Earth from Space Preview

Click Here to View Preview


NOVA and NATURE have some “Video Clips” (3-7 minutes in length) that summarize important issues.  The following are several examples of NOVA Video Clips:

Nature Video Clip: How Beavers Build Dams

Click Here to View Clip

NATURE – Bullfrog Dad Protects the Brood

Click Here to View Video clip

NOVA – Nature’s Time Capsules (Bogs)

Click Here to View Video Clip

NOVA – A Never Ending Supply (Energy)

Click Here to View Video Clip

NATURE – Emperor Penguins Huddle to Keep Warm

Click Here to View the Video Clip


Newly Released Full Length Programs:

NOVA – Vaccines—Calling the Shots

Click Here to View Program

FRONTLINE – Ebola Outbreak/Hunting Boko Haram

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Surviving Ebola

Click Here to View Program


STUDIO SOCAL – Mental Illness, What’s New?

Click Here to View Program

Frontline – Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria

Click Here to View Program

Nature – Outback Pelicans

Click Here to View Program

Objects and Memory

Click Here to View Program

FRONTLINE – Prison State

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Autopsying a Roman Catacomb

Click Here to View Video Clip

Recent Additions:

Nature – Leave it to Beavers

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – D-Day’s Sunken Secrets

Click Here to View Program

Bill Moyers – Full Show: Is Net Neutrality Dead?

Click Here to View Program



Science and Nature Videos

NATURE – Touching the Wild (man befriends “wild” deer…very touching!)

Click Here to View Program

Nature – Love in the Animal Kingdom

Click Here to View Program

Nature – Shark Mountain

Click Here to View Program


 The following three NOVA programs “Inside Animal Minds” have been removed from the PBS site.  In the future you should be sure to view programs when they are available.  If you wait too long you will not be able to view them!  If we’re lucky the videos will be re-installed into

NOVA – Inside Animal Minds: Dogs & Super Senses

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Inside Animal Minds: Bird Genius

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Inside Animal Minds: Who’s the Smartest?

Click Here to View Program


MOYERS & COMPANY – Neil deGrasse Tyson on the New Cosmos

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – The Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse?

Click Here to View Program


Condition Black: Surfers Take On Huge Hawaii Waves

Click Here to View Program

Epic Waves – Walls of Death!! – Biggest Wednesday Condition Black

Click Here to View Program

Regarding “Formal Education”, and the educational process it includes, the Next Generation Science Standards are very interesting, very detailed, and worth a careful examination by all who wish to help our youth get a good handle on science issues and the role science will play in future societal activities.  I feel that the videos that are linked with this blog will serve these standards very well.  Anyone trying to sort out, and think through, these new standards must have a base of experience with nature in order to fully take advantage of these new goals for their growth as well as for our youth.  The Children & Nature Network, for example, tries to get youth to venture outside and into natural settings, and these goals will serve the new standards very well. But there is  so much of nature that is beyond the capability of kids to personally experience that there must be other means to gather this information.  These “real experiences” in nature (utilizing all your senses) are undoubtedly the best for constructing meaningful relationships with science and an individual’s personal future.  But video does utilize our powerful senses of sight and hearing and may well substitute for totally real experiences, at least I hope so.  I believe that this blog provides an excellent environment for this endeavor.

A Major Question: How can we get adolescents (and other folks) out into nature or if that is not possible to view these video programs when their schedules are so full?  Maybe a school classroom is the only reasonable place?

This front page of my blog contains a few of the links to videos, and their related websites, that I feel are particularly interesting or important.  Many more videos on the subject can be found within the full section. 

It also provides a convenient format for iphone access to the videos.  Many more links to videos in this blog can be accessed within the general section titled: “Classified Videos (by subject)”, but these are more difficult for an iphone to access.  I generally will put a link to a video in several sections as it could be classified from a number of perspectives.

Many people today seem to be questioning the validity of science.  Our understanding of, and confidence in, science is fundamentally grounded in our personal experiences and interactions with nature.  I challenge you to visit sections within “Classified Videos (by subject)” and not wonder more about issues the titles raise. Through the past year and a half I have found many videos, mostly available through PBS, on a number of very interesting issues related to the development of our understanding of the world of science.   Look at the titles of the videos in a section and consider reasons for why I placed the videos where I have. Please let us know what the sections have caused you to wonder.


Look below for a link to assist you in exploring 23 issues you will need to address in developing an effective and comprehensive plan for Natural Disasters in your area!


The following is one of the most amazing videos in the NOVA series:

NOVA: Earth from Space

Click Here to View Program

NOVA PreView: Earth from Space Preview

Click Here to View Preview


An interesting software discovery: 

A NullSchool Map of Surface Winds (Global)

Click Here to View Software

A map of the Ocean’s Surface Currents (Pacific Ocean)

Click Here to View Software

Upwelling off the North West Coast of New Guinea

Click Here to View Upwelling



PBS Programs to watch for…

FRONTLINE – “The Trouble with Antibiotics” – Preview

Click Here to View Preview

NOVA – Why Planes Vanish Preview

Click Here to View Preview

The Men Who Made Us Fat

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Solar Power’s Promise

Click Here to View Preview

NOVA – Wild Predator Invasion

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – My Bionic Pet

Click Here to View Program


Many more videos are under  

“Videos Classified (by subject)”

I have also sorted videos by general subject area into different sections.  You can find these under “Videos Classified (by subject)”.  There are many more videos that you can find within these sections than can be found on this “front page”.



Do you have raccoons in your community?  Do they eat your cat food and dog food left outdoors overnight and get in your trash can?  Check out the following Nature program about these very interesting creatures.  Their adaptability will amaze you.

NATURE – Raccoon Nation

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Earthflight: North America

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Earthflight: Flying High

Click Here to View Program

(Unfortunately the Earthflight series has been removed from the PBS server. Nature is beginning to re-authorizes the use of these spectacular videos as they are extremely interesting.  There is a lesson in this—be sure to watch the PBS programs, particularly Nature programs, as they are allowed for us to access only for a limited time!)

Nature – In The Valley Of The Wolves

Please Click Here To View Video

NATURE – Dogs That Changed the World: Rise of the Dog

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Dogs That Changed the World: Dogs By Design

Click Here to View Program


Click Here to View Program


Click Here  to View Program

INDEPENDENT LENS – The Graduates – The Girls

Click Here to View Program

INDEPENDENT LENS – Los Graduados – Las Jóvenes

Click Here to View Program

INDEPENDENT LENS – The Graduates – The Boys

Click Here to View Program

INDEPENDENT LENS – Los Graduados – Los Jóvenes

Click Here to View Program


Click Here to View Program

INDEPENDENT LENS – Coming to Independent Lens: Rich Hill

Click Here to View Preview


Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “COURTSHIP, SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS, FRIENDSHIPS AND COMMUNICATION IN NATURE”!



NATURE – Ireland’s Wild River

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Meet the Coywolf

Click Here to View Program

Moment of Impact: Jungle

Click Here To View Video

Moment of Impact: Hunters and Herds

Click Here To View Video

NATURE – Black Mamba

Click Here to View Program

The following Special Nature Program on New Guinea has been saved on YouTube.  The 2 hour program shows some of the most spectacular natural organisms on our planet.  I would hope that this program is broadcast again on PBS.

PBS Nature: New Guinea – Land of the Unexpected

Click Here to view Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “EARTH’S AMAZING DIVERSITY OF LIFE”!



Secrets of the Sun

 Click Here To View Video

NOVA – Solar Power’s Promise

Click Here to View Program

Food, Nutrition and Health 

There are many “fads” related to nutrition and our diet, most driven by corporations and their lust for profits.  But the challenge of obtaining good quality information related to healthy diets remains huge, and the health sciences are hard at work learning more about what makes up a healthy diet.  I will link to Public Broadcast System video programs (or YouTube video saved from PBS) that I feel try hard to look behind the money and find the best information based on science.  Of course we should all be cynical about what we see and hear and carefully analyse information to determine it’s true quality!  When videos become a bit “aged” (and links are no longer on this front page), you will be able to find these videos within the section titled “Human Health Issues” found under “Classified Videos (by subject)”.

Michael Pollan – Food Rules for Healthy People and Planet

Click Here to View Program

BOTANY OF DESIRE – (Michael Pollan) Full-Length Program

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “ENERGY SYSTEMS THAT EFFECT US (INCLUDING FOODS)”!



New “Climate Change” Additions to the Blog: EARTH: The Operators Manual  Energy Quest USA

Click Here to View Program

This video presents Possible Immediate and Serious Impact on our Modern Way of Life!

Why the strongest storms are getting stronger

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Megastorm Aftermath

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Inside the Megastorm

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Secrets Beneath the Ice

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Extreme Ice

Click Here to View Program

Moyers & Company – Saving the Earth from Ourselves -Can now be found in the “Classified Videos by Subject – Restoring Nature’s Health” and “Evidence of Climate Change”

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE ‘!



NOVA – Cracking Your Genetic Code

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – What Darwin Never Knew

Click Here to View Program

PBS has a new NOVA “Evolution Web Site”, check it out:

Short Videos on Issues within Evolution:

NATURE – Dogs That Changed the World: Rise of the Dog

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Dogs That Changed the World: Dogs By Design

Click Here to View Program

NOVA -Intelligent Design on Trial

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Becoming Human Full Series Preview

Click Here to View Program

(The full series of videos can be found within the section titled: “Evolution – Particularly Human Evolution”)

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “EVOLUTION – PARTICULARLY HUMAN EVOLUTION”!



With the West Coast of the United States in a severe drought, particularly in this current year, and both reservoir storage and the snow pack both at very low levels, you might want to learn more about Southern California’s water supply and how it has come to be what is is.  Watch Cadillac Desert to learn more:

Cadillac Desert (a 9 part series on Southern California’s Water Supply)

Click Here to View Program

Most communities have a water supply that is dependent on either Rain, Snow, or Fossil Water Supplies (in the form of Aquafers).  We must take better care to protect these resources as evidenced in the past week in West Virginia!  Learn more within the Frontline Program linked below on Poisoned Waters.  The Frontline focuses on the destruction of coastal marine environments particularly by chicken farming and industrial activities, but similar activities are polluting our fresh water resources as well.

Frontline has a number of very informative programs that shed light into issues within the science domain!  Below is one of Frontline’s 2 hour Specials!

FRONTLINE – Poisoned Waters

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “FOOD, WATER, SHELTER AND SPACE (4 REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFE)”!

How to Be Prepared for Natural Disasters

A very useful list of 23 steps in developing a good plan!

Click Here to View the Website



Check out the following recently broadcast PBS videos…links can also be found in “Videos Classified (by Subject) – Geological and Atmospheric Issues that Effect Us”

NOVA – Killer Typhoon

Click Here to View Program

LIFE ON FIRE – Icelandic Volcanoes

Click Here to View Program

NATURE – Survivors of the Firestorm

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “GEOLOGICAL AND ATMOSPHERIC ISSUES THAT EFFECT US”!



I have found one of the most closely watched PBS videos when shown to my high school science classes. Warning! It contains a human birth sequence and thus may not be suitable for very young viewers!

NOVA – Life’s Greatest Miracle

Click Here to View Program


NOVA – 18 Ways to Make a Baby (1st broadcast 2001)

Click Here to View Website

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “HUMAN BIRTH, DEVELOPMENT, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS”!



An excellent source of information about Health Issues, particularly about sex, can be obtained from the Columbia University web site titled “GoAskAlice”.

Click Here to View Website

FRONTLINE – Ebola Outbreak/Hunting Boko Haram

Click Here to View Program

UNIVERSITY PLACE – Medication and Behavior Issues in Disabilities

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Dying to Be Thin

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Ghosts of Murdered Kings

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “HUMAN HEALTH ISSUES”!



Most Spectacular Video (in my opinion): NOVA: Earth from Space

Click Here to View Program

A NullSchool Map of Surface Winds (Global)

Click Here to View Software

EVERYTHING BUT THE NEWS – Ep 09 | Lost in YouTube Space: Touring YouTube LA Studios

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “INTERESTING TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS”!



NOVA – Kings of Camouflage

Click Here to View Program

Saving the Oceans: Part 1

Click Here to Play Video

Saving the Oceans: Part 2

Click Here to Play Video

Saving the Oceans: Destination Baja CA

Click Here to Play Video

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “NATURAL SYSTEMS IN THE OCEANS (AND OTHER BODIES OF WATER)”!



I’ve recently discovered a series of videos entitled “NatureWorks”.  These videos are directly focused on specific concepts and would be very easily linked to “Standards” within a course of study.  You might find them of interest?

NOVA – Ocean Animal Emergency

Click Here to View Program

NATUREWORKS – Invasive Species

Click Here to View Program

QUEST, a part of KQED in the San Francisco Bay Area, has a number of interesting programs about science.  Check out the one below:

QUEST – Tagging Pacific Predators

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “RESTORING NATURE’S HEALTH”!



Curiosity is about to do some interesting experiments on Mars.  Check out the following NOVA that discusses the robot on Mars and a little about how it got there!

NOVA – Ultimate Mars Challenge

Click Here to View Progam

The question “Are we alone?” in our galaxy (or the Universe) has  been absorbing the minds of people for many years.  The following NOVA shows how far we’ve come in resolving this issue!

NOVA – Alien Planets Revealed

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – At the Edge of Space

Click Here to View Program

NOVA – Cold Case JFK

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “THE MODERN WORLD OF PHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY”!



NOVA – Making More Stuff Preview

Click Here to View Preview

NOVA – Making Stuff Safer

Click Here to View Program

Many more interesting videos on this subject can be found within the section entitled “THE WORLD OF MODERN CHEMISTRY”!


This blog is designed to provide a medium for people to share their thinking about science in response to viewing PBS science programs featured in this blog.   It is hoped that when you share your ideas about how the video has caused you to grow in your understanding of important scientific issues, our knowledge of the issues as a group will be increased. The Public Broadcast System (PBS) is a rich source of information that will allow us to make more informed future decisions that relate to how we live our own lives in relationship to these scientific developments.

There are some tabs located above these notes that will connect you with various parts of this blog.  Look around, and if you have time to check out the featured PBS videos please do so now.  These science videos vary from 10 to 15 minutes to one hour or more. We encourage you to write your questions and comments about the videos so everyone may benefit from your ideas.

Let’s bring together our various insights, perspectives and imaginations and discover how the scientific process leads to new technological developments that may change our lives and benefit society.


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