For Teachers (Dated Material pre-2012)

The development of the “Common Core Standards” is currently focusing on Language Arts and Mathematics, but science is included within the Language Arts domain.  Learners will be asked, related to their development in science, to describe and discuss the evidence (data) that underlies positions of thought that the learner is taking on an issue.  This focus is very different from the state learning standards that have so dominated education over the past decade.  PBS Science and Nature programming is carefully scripted to show the viewer how our current knowledge has been developed, how what we currently know underlies the concepts on which the program is focused, and where our current knowledge is taking us as we move into the future.  It is truly amazing how much sophistication a person can achieve from just one hour of a PBS Science or Nature program.

For those of you who already use video within your instructional program, or those who would like to do so, I am including here a rubric I have found useful in structuring a students written response to viewing a video.


Rubric: See-Think-Wonder Assignment related to a PBS Video Presentation

R. Sweeney, Science Educator



– The student has used a Thinking Map that includes at least 20 “things” they SEE in the video presentations that are interesting to them.

– The student has responded to the standard focus for the video presentation and described several things that they are THINKING about as a result of the video presentation.

– The student has described several things they are WONDERING as a result of the video presentation through their oral questions and comments during and after the video presentation.

– Because PBS video presentations go out of their way to show people at work, the THINKING and WONDERING might well include something the student saw in the video about a job or profession that was of interest to them.

– The THINKING and WONDERING components of the assignment provide a clear focus, uses descriptive language, provides specific details and examples, contains few (if any) errors in the conventions of the English language and the reader gets a clear understanding through the text.



– The student has used a Thinking Map that includes at least 15 “things” they SEE in the video presentations that are interesting to them.

– The student has responded to the standard focus for the video presentation and described something that they are THINKING about as a result of the video presentation.

– The student has described something they are WONDERING as a result of the video presentation through their oral questions and comments during and after the video presentation.

– Because PBS video presentations go out of their way to show people at work, the THINKING and WONDERING might well include something the student saw in the video about a job or profession that was of interest to them.

– The THINKING and WONDERING components of the assignment provide a clear focus, uses some descriptive language, provides some details and examples and contains some errors in the conventions of the English language but the general message is understandable to the reader.



– The student has used a Thinking Map that includes at least 10 “things” they SEE in the video presentations that are interesting to them.

– The student has described either in writing or orally “something” they are THINKING or “something” they are WONDERING that the video presentation has caused them to THINK or WONDER.

– Because PBS video presentations go out of their way to show people at work, the THINKING and WONDERING might well include something the student saw in the video about a job or profession that was of interest to them.

– The THINKING and WONDERING components of the assignment provide some focus, uses little descriptive language, provides limited details and examples and several errors in the conventions of the English language and these interfere with the readers understanding.



– The student has written less than 10 “things” they SEE and nothing about what they THINK or WONDER as a result of the video presentation.

– The student’s writing is weak and lacks a focus.  It demonstrates no sense to the audience and provides little, if any, sense of control of organization.



– This score represents a blank page.


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